Primary Sources of Evidence (Articles) - For-a-Fee Access
​Full-text access limited to subscribers.
There are different variations of CINAHL available, the most comprehensive being CINAHL Plus with Full Text.
According to their website, CINAHL Plus with Full Text is "The definitive research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature. This is the world's most comprehensive nursing & allied health research database, providing full text for more than 770 journals indexed in CINAHL, including many of the most-used journals in the index - with no embargo."
Click here for PUC students/faculty access.
EBSCO Publishing's various database
Full-text access limited to subscribers.
According to their website, "As the leading database and eBook provider for libraries and other institutions - more than 375 full-text and secondary research databases and more than 30,000 eBooks and audiobooksk available through the EBSCOhost platform - EBSCO provides unparalleled access to world renowned content in all subject areas."
Click here for PUC students/faculty access.
Full-text access limited to subscribers.
According to their website, "With over 24 million indexed records and more than 7,600 currently indexed peer-reviewed journals, Embase is a highly versatile, multipurpose and up-to-date database covering the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. All MEDLINE records produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) are included, as well as over 5 million records not covered in MEDLINE."
MEDLINE (Via Proquest Publishers)
Full-text access limited to subscribers.
According to their website, "Proquest offers a full-text counterpart to MEDLINE that adds further value to this already impressive database. MEDLINE with FullText incorporates full-text journals from ProQuest Medical Library. Users get the unmatched indexing of MEDLINE, plus ProQuest's wealth of full-text content. It's the total solution for medical professionals and researchers."
Click here for PUC student/faculty access.